Hendryk Korzeniowksi

Photo of Hendryk Korzeniowksi

Hendryk was born in Bedford in 1969 to Polish parents. It took him 20 years to leave, with one O level tied up in a handkerchief at the end of a long stick. He lost both parents on the way, though not through carelessness. After a lengthy stay in academia, Bangor and Morecambe, he settled in Lancaster, where he fell in love, fell out of love, worked up debts, and worked in insurance.

Rumour has it he’s related to Joseph Conrad. He’s not denying it.

Rose Coloured, is a black comedy about delinquent pensioners kidnapping and torturing a delinquent chav. And bonding. Dad’s Army meets Deliverance.  Short-listed for Channel 4 "The Play’s the Thing"

McDermot’s Knee-Jerk explores how a disgraced academic cuts own leg off in an attempt to climb to the pinnacle of fame and fortune – Extracts performed at the 1998 Lancaster Litfest.

More of his work can be sampled on the litfest website

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