Derek Henderson

Derek Henderson is alive and well in Salt Lake City. He is co-author, with Derek Pollard, of Inconsequentia (BlazeVox). An erasure of Ted Berrigan’s sonnets, Thus &, is out now from if p then q.

Titles by Derek Henderson

Thus & cover image

Thus &

Ted Berrigan’s seminal The Sonnets is renowned for its famous use of cut up technique and reconfiguration throughout the sequence. Derek Henderson’s erasure Thus & eliminates all words and typographical duplications. In addition to the strikingly beautiful, often minimalist, sonnets created by Henderson, Thus & asks new questions of each Berrigan sonnet and the sequence as a whole. Thus & reveals (conceals) not only the clusters of phrases/lines that were cloned by Berrigan but also words which he repeated; many obviously subconsciously. What is left in Thus & is part skeleton, and underbelly, of maître-sonneteer Berrigan’s The Sonnets and part alien remix by techno-magician Derek Henderson.

Price £8.00


  • ISBN 9780955864186
  • Publisher if p then q
  • Genre Poetry
  • Extent 88pp

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