The Journal

Sam Smith


The Journal started life as The Journal of Contemporary Anglo-Scandinavian Poetry, but after 10 issues ran out of Scandinavian contributions.

Now approaching its 38th issue, it welcomes contributions of 6 poems at a time. Editorial policy is ' try to publish those poems — from wheresoever they may come — written with thought to what the poem is saying and to how it is being said. Also welcomed are poems that can travel, that can cross boundaries, that do not assume in their readers a shared knowledge nor a shared set of beliefs. And it will be a rare day when the editor takes a poem about being a poet or about the writing of poems.

Also, because their aim is to keep The Journal secular, any poem containing religious terminology will not be considered for publication.

Submissions (within body of email) [email protected]

To order copies of The Journal, or to subscribe, please visit

17 High Street
Cumbria     CA15 6BQ

Price £3.00

ISBN 1466-5220
Publisher Original Plus
Genre Poetry
Set in Cumbria

Site by Oxidise