New Leaf


Adults non-readers are poorly served. Fluffy bunny stories and chopped up versions of classics are in abundance; but accessible, attractive and contemporary books for adult learner-readers are still in short supply. New Leaf aims to fill this gap; we believe that the most interesting and stimulating material for adult beginner readers is that generated by themselves. Our work is inclusive – learners are encouraged to take part in creative reading and writing activities; their stories are fascinating and often eloquently told. This is our starting point, real stories. We then provide the help needed to get it down on paper. Adult literacy learners know what interests them and what helps and hinders their learning. We recognise and utilise this expertise and put all our efforts into publishing short, high quality, professionally illustrated titles written by adult learners themselves.

In recent months we have been working in partnership with the Writers in Prison Network. The resulting publications are 6 life stories; attractively illustrated, short 300 word insights into the real life stories of prisoners, the books are accompanied by an audio CD with both a listening and a slow read to support adults working on their reading skills or for those starting out on reading for pleasure.

Orders can be placed by telephone on 07984 241 863, by e-mail at [email protected] or online at

Recent Publications

Submission Policy

Writing must be the original work of an adult working on their reading and writing skills, but may have been scribed for them by a tutor or friend. Don't worry about spelling mistakes but do make sure it makes sense to give yourself the best chance. It can be submitted at any time, handwritten or typed and ideally less than 500 words.



Editorial Contact

Ms Anne Chester
5 Wardley Road
Tel: 0798 424 1863

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