HMS Eaglet: The Story of the Royal Naval Reserves on Merseyside

143HMS Eaglet: The Story of the Royal Naval Reserves on Merseyside cover image

Bob Evans


The Centenary of the Royal Naval Reserves in 2004 is the perfect excuse for a 'jolly'...the saga of HMS Eaglet.  This book is proof that history can be informative, uplifting and full of fun.  The only excuse for the nautical nonsense is that it actually happened.  We travel from sail to steam, the trenches in France to Gallipoli, the Battle of the Atlantic to Iraq...and this is the story of people who were there.  Bob Evans is firmly part of it all and has added yet another interlocking piece to the jigsaw of Liverpool's proud maritime history.  This is the story of the Royal Navy in the Northwest.

Price £12.00

ISBN 1901231380
Publisher Countyvise
Genre Non Fiction
Set in Merseyside
Extent 362pp

Other Titles by Bob Evans

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